Jahnavi Imaging

About Mammogram

A mammography Test is an X-ray imaging technique that provides an internal image of the breasts. The test detects breast cancer and assesses the breast tissue’s size, shape, and density.

It plays a significant role in detecting/ diagnosis the following: Breast cancer, Tumour, Diagnosing any abnormalities in the breast, Also monitoring the treatment of the disorders related to breasts.

The test uses a low dose of x-rays to diagnose any abnormality. During a mammogram, the breast is compressed between two plates to flatten it and spread the tissue out evenly. This allows the X-ray to penetrate the tissue more effectively and produces a clearer image. The test usually costs around Rs 700 – Rs 1800

Let's Get It Off Our Chests

Mammography Test Details

Breast cancer age

Also Known As

Mammogram, X-ray Mammography, Sono-Mammogram

Breast cancer age


Screening for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer age


No special preparation required

Breast cancer age



Test Procedure of Mammography

Step 1

The female technician will instruct you to place your breast on a plastic platform. Another plastic plate compresses the breast. The plastic plate is held still while an x-ray is taken.

Step 2

Mammography positioning: You change position per your technician’s direction. This helps in getting images from different angles.

Step 3

You may be asked to remain still and hold your breath while taking the x-ray. The quality of the scanned picture relates to the stillness of the breast.

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Purpose of Mammography Test


It can detect abnormal changes in the breast before the patient or doctor gets to know it. Women over 50 years and above are recommended to get a mammography screening yearly. Doctors may recommend other tests along with mammography screening. This depends on risk factors such as family history, ovarian cancer, etc.


Fibroadenoma is a medical condition in women that causes non-cancerous lumps in the breast. The non-cancerous lumps are not dangerous and cause no disease.

Breast Cancer

A widely used test to diagnose cancer or tumour’s early development and stages.


Your doctor may recommend Mammography to diagnose abnormal findings during physical examination.